Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 4, 2008

Gphone Revealed! But Not To You (GOOG)

Want to see a demo of Android, Google's (GOOG) Gphone operating system? You can't -- unless you hit certain trade shows or work for certain blogs. Or, actually, just Google "android".

Still, NPR's Andrea Seabrook says Google's Andy Rubin has given her a glimpse of Android running on a handset that "Google has not shown... to anyone before." Cool! What's it like? She won't tell you, she says. That's the deal she's struck with Google.

Embargoes and sneak peeks are (unfortunately) standard operating procedure in gadgetland, so hard to fault Andrea for playing along. Still, it means she can't do much in this report other than recycle old news: Android will run lots of apps! It will let you make phone calls -- while using the apps! It will run on a 3G network! It will feature a version of Google Street View! (Referred to here by Rubin as Google "Street Feet".)

And, Andrea says, Android will let you play video games: "Not just the dinky ones either, but the really cool ones, with lots of fancy graphics." Intrigued? Listen in here.

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