This comes from a highly reliable source:
- 1. The Gphone will be announced sometime between 9/27 and 10/5.
- 2. Google has formed a consortium of about 30 companies to create it. The consortium includes chip makers, OEM manufacturers, software providers, and carriers. The Gphone will be open source, using the Apache license. The phone will in fact not be a product — it’s really a reference design.
- 3. This reference design will be an unlocked, neutral environment. It’ll be GSM everywhere except Japan, where it will be TDMA.
- 4. While the Gphone is open, the secret sauce is a heavy server-side component that will be handled solely by Google’s data centers. So the phone will be open while some services rely on the server side, which you’ll pay for.
- 5. One of Nokia, Samsung, or Moto is in the consortium. The tipster didn’t know which one.
- 6. The reference phone will role out simultaneously in the US, Japan, China, and Europe. They have a carrier ready to go in every region.
- 7. The thrust of the reference phone is that it is “the anti-iPhone”. It will be an inexpensive, open design, vs. Apple’s closed, expensive design.”
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